PostgreSQL configuration

The PostgreSQL configuration of instances created by pglift is managed as explained in respective section about site configuration. This means that the overall configuration of an instance is built from several sources:

  • actual postgresql.conf present in instance data directory,

  • the site-wise postgresql.conf template file,

  • any configuration items that satellite components might define (e.g. pgBackRest would set archive_command etc.),

  • user-supplied configuration items.

This process applies at instance creation, but also happens anytime the instance is updated through pglift’s API (be it instance alter command, the pgconf command set described below, or the declarative Ansible interface).


  • when a change is passed through user-supplied configuration items (either from the declarative API or from pgconf set|edit commands), these take precedence;

  • when removing a configuration item (either through the declarative API or from pgconf remove command), this will apply only if the same setting is not defined in a previous source (e.g. postgresql.conf template);

  • so, to effectively remove a configuration item, one needs to reset it to its default value (e.g. if the site template sets work_mem to 32MB but you want to set it back to its default value of 4MB, then you would have to override the template value with pglift pgconf [...] set work_mem=4MB).


Editing postgresql.conf file in data directory directly might result in surprising effects upon further instance change: typically, a setting removed from the configuration file through direct edition might come back after applying back the instance state.

pgconf commands

The pglift pgconf command line entry point exposes commands to manage configuration of a PostgreSQL instance.

$ pglift pgconf --help
Usage: pglift pgconf [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Manage configuration of a PostgreSQL instance.

  -i, --instance <version>/<name>
                                  Instance identifier; the <version>/ prefix
                                  may be omitted if there's only one instance
                                  matching <name>. Required if there is more
                                  than one instance on system.
  --help                          Show this message and exit.

  edit    Edit managed configuration.
  remove  Remove configuration items.
  set     Set configuration items.
  show    Show configuration (all parameters or specified ones).

It operates only on configuration files and does not assume that the instance is started. To make changes effective, the user may need to restart or reload the instance, see Instance operations.


Some configuration settings should not be modified through this command as they may be needed for other satellite services to work. Typically, the port setting is one of them. Similarly, the selected backup system may assume that some parameter are set to particular values.

pghba commands

The pglift pghba command line entry point exposes commands to manage entries in the pg_hba.conf file of a PostgreSQL instance.

Usage: pglift pghba [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Manage entries in the pg_hba.conf file of a PostgreSQL instance.

  -i, --instance <version>/<name>
                                  Instance identifier; the <version>/ prefix
                                  may be omitted if there's only one instance
                                  matching <name>. Required if there is more
                                  than one instance on system.
  --help                          Show this message and exit.

  add     Add a record in pg_hba.conf.
  remove  Remove a record from pg_hba.conf.

Show the configuration

View parameters:

$ pglift pgconf -i main show log_connections log_disconnections
# log_connections = off
# log_disconnections = off

View all parameters:

$ pglift pgconf -i main show
archive_command = '/usr/bin/pgbackrest --config-path=/etc/pgbackrest --stanza=14-main archive-push %p'
archive_mode = on
wal_level = 'replica'
cluster_name = 'main'
shared_buffers = '128MB'
effective_cache_size = '5 GB'
unix_socket_directories = '/var/run/postgresql'
log_destination = 'stderr'
logging_collector = on
port = 5454
max_connections = 100
dynamic_shared_memory_type = 'posix'
max_wal_size = '1GB'
min_wal_size = '80MB'
log_timezone = 'Europe/Paris'
datestyle = 'iso, mdy'
timezone = 'Europe/Paris'
lc_messages = 'C'
lc_monetary = 'C'
lc_numeric = 'C'
lc_time = 'C'
default_text_search_config = 'pg_catalog.english'

Change the configuration

$ pglift pgconf -i main set log_connections=on log_disconnections=on
INFO     configuring PostgreSQL
INFO     instance 14/main needs reload due to parameter changes: log_connections, log_disconnections
INFO     reloading PostgreSQL configuration for 14/main
log_connections: None -> True
log_disconnections: None -> True


To directly edit the configuration file, use:

$ pglift pgconf -i main edit

this will open your text editor with the configuration.

Remove parameters configuration

$ pglift pgconf -i main remove log_connections log_disconnections
INFO     configuring PostgreSQL
INFO     instance 14/main needs reload due to parameter changes: log_connections, log_disconnections
INFO     reloading PostgreSQL configuration for 14/main
log_connections: True -> None
log_disconnections: True -> None

Changing managed configuration parameters

If, considering the warning above, a managed configuration setting is really meant to be overridden, using ALTER SYSTEM is probably the best option.

For example, changing the archive_command setting is not possible when the pgBackRest component is enabled:

$ pglift pgconf set archive_command=/bin/true
INFO     configuring PostgreSQL
changes in 'archive_command' not applied
 hint: either these changes have no effect (values already set) or specified parameters are already defined in an un-managed file (e.g. 'postgresql.conf')
$ pglift pgconf show archive_command
archive_command = '/usr/bin/pgbackrest --config-path=/etc/pgbackrest --stanza=app --pg1-path=/srv/pgsql/16/main/data archive-push %p'

but executing an ALTER SYSTEM statement (here through database run command) would work:

$ pglift database run -d postgres "ALTER SYSTEM SET archive_command TO '/bin/true'"
> Confirm execution of "ALTER SYSTEM SET archive_command TO '/bin/true'" on postgres of 16/main? [y/n] (y): y
INFO     running "ALTER SYSTEM SET archive_command TO '/bin/true'" on postgres database of 16/main
$ pglift pgconf show archive_command
archive_command = '/bin/true'

Finally, to restore the setting:

$ pglift database run -d postgres "ALTER SYSTEM RESET archive_command"
> Confirm execution of "ALTER SYSTEM RESET archive_command" on postgres of 16/main? [y/n] (y): y
INFO     running "ALTER SYSTEM RESET archive_command" on postgres database of 16/main
$ pglift pgconf show archive_command
archive_command = '/usr/bin/pgbackrest --config-path=/etc/pgbackrest --stanza=app --pg1-path=/srv/pgsql/16/main/data archive-push %p'