Standby setup

Command-line interface

From the command-line interface, creating a standby instance is done through the instance create command:

$ pglift instance create standby --standby-for <primary dsn> --standby-password
Password for the replication user:
Repeat for confirmation:

The --standby-for option should be a connection string to the primary server (e.g. host=primary port=5433). If the primary is also a pglift instance, you must use the dedicated replication user, set user=replication in the dsn.

A replication slot can be specified with --standby-slot <slot name>. The slot has to be first created on the primary instance, either at instance creation with the --slot <name> option or through instance alter --create-slot <name> if the primary already exists.

pglift will call pg_basebackup utility to create a standby by default. However, if pgBackRest is used on site, and a backup is available in the repository, pglift will create the standby from this backup, which can be significantly more efficient than a basebackup.


If the primary instance has a password set for the super-user role, and is needed for local authentication through the password file in particular, it might be useful to provide the same password through --surole-password option when creating the standby.


If Prometheus postgres_exporter was set up on the primary instance and is wanted on the standby, don’t forget to provide --prometheus-password option to the above command with the same password as on the primary instance.

Promoting a standby instance:

$ pglift instance promote standby


Standby instance management is also possible from the Ansible interface. Please refer to the tutorial for starting up with this.

The dalibo.pglift.instance module exposes a standby field to define connection to the primary, password and replication slot.

First, we will define a password for the replication user on the control node and store that in Ansible vault:

user@control:~$ cat << EOF | ansible-vault encrypt > pglift-vars
replication_role_password: $(openssl rand -base64 9)

The following playbook will create 2 instances on the same host:

  • pg1 as a primary, port 5432

  • pg2 as a standby, port 5433

- name: standby setup
  hosts: localhost
    - name: primary instance 14/pg1
        name: pg1
        state: started
        port: "{{ pg1.port }}"
          listen_addresses: '*'
          shared_buffers: 1GB
        replrole_password: "{{ replication_role_password }}"
          - name: replislot

    - name: standby instance 14/pg2
        name: pg2
        state: started
        port: "{{ pg2.port }}"
          listen_addresses: '*'
          shared_buffers: 1GB
          primary_conninfo: "host= user=replication port={{ pg1.port }}"
          password: "{{ replication_role_password }}"
          slot: replislot

And finally, run the playbook:

user@control:~$ ansible-playbook --extra-vars @pglift-vars --ask-vault-password standby-setup.yml
Vault password:

PLAY [standby setup] ***********************************************************************************************************************

TASK [Gathering Facts] *********************************************************************************************************************
ok: [localhost]

TASK [primary instance 14/main] ************************************************************************************************************
changed: [localhost]

TASK [replica instance 14/main] ************************************************************************************************************
changed: [localhost]

PLAY RECAP *********************************************************************************************************************************
localhost                  : ok=3    changed=2    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0

We can find our instances running on managed node :

user@managed:~$ pglift instance list
┃ name ┃ version ┃ port ┃ datadir                ┃ status  ┃
│ pg1  │ 14      │ 5432 │ /srv/pgsql/14/pg1/data │ running │
│ pg2  │ 14      │ 5433 │ /srv/pgsql/14/pg2/data │ running │

The following playbook will promote pg2 and rebuild pg1 as a standby:

- name: promote standby
  hosts: localhost
    - name: promote standby instance 14/pg2, add a new slot
        name: pg2
        state: started
        port: "{{ pg2.port }}"
          listen_addresses: '*'
          shared_buffers: 1GB
          primary_conninfo: "host= user=replication port={{ pg1.port }}"
          status: promoted
          - name: newslot

    - name: delete 14/pg1 instance
        name: pg1
        state: absent

    - name: rebuild 14/pg1 instance as a standby
        name: pg1
        state: started
        port: "{{ pg1.port }}"
          listen_addresses: '*'
          shared_buffers: 1GB
          primary_conninfo: "host= user=replication port={{ pg2.port }}"
          password: "{{ replication_role_password }}"
          slot: newslot

Run the playbook:

user@control:~$ ansible-playbook --extra-vars @pglift-vars --ask-vault-password standby-promote.yml
Vault password:

PLAY [promote standby] **************************************************************************************************

TASK [Gathering Facts] **************************************************************************************************
ok: [localhost]

TASK [promote standby instance 14/pg2] **********************************************************************************
ok: [localhost]

TASK [delete 14/pg1 instance] *******************************************************************************************
changed: [localhost]

TASK [rebuild 14/pg1 instance as a standby] *****************************************************************************
changed: [localhost]

PLAY RECAP **************************************************************************************************************
localhost                  : ok=5    changed=2    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0

Finally we can see pg1 as a standby and both running :

user@managed:~$ pglift instance get pg1
 name  version  port  data_checksums  locale  encoding  extensions  pending_restart  standby
 pg1   14       5432  False           C       UTF8                  False            primary_conninfo: user=replication
                                                                                     host= port=5433
                                                                                     sslmode=prefer sslcompression=0
                                                                                     status: demoted
                                                                                     replication_lag: 0

user@managed:~$ pglift instance list
┃ name ┃ version ┃ port ┃ datadir                ┃ status  ┃
│ pg1  │ 14      │ 5432 │ /srv/pgsql/14/pg1/data │ running │
│ pg2  │ 14      │ 5433 │ /srv/pgsql/14/pg2/data │ running │