Access privileges

The instance, role and database command line entry points expose a privileges command that will list access privileges.

In psql, \dp and \ddp commands can be used to access existing assignments of privileges and default privileges respectively.

Listing privileges

At instance level, pglift instance privileges <instance name> [<version>] would list privileges for all roles and databases of the instance, unless a --role and/or a --database option is specified:

 $ pglift instance privileges 13/main
                                                             Privileges on instance 13/main
│ database   │ schema │ object_type │ role     │ privileges                                                    │ object_name │ column_privileges      │
│ myapp      │ public │ TABLE       │ dba      │                                                               │ persons     │ name: SELECT, UPDATE   │
│ myapp      │ public │ TABLE       │ postgres │ INSERT, SELECT, UPDATE, DELETE, TRUNCATE, REFERENCES, TRIGGER │ persons     │                        │
│ myotherapp │ public │ TABLE       │ dba      │ TRUNCATE, INSERT, SELECT, UPDATE, DELETE, REFERENCES, TRIGGER │ city        │                        │
│ myotherapp │ public │ TABLE       │ marion   │                                                               │ city        │ name: SELECT           │
│            │        │             │          │                                                               │             │ postcode: UPDATE       │
│ myotherapp │ public │ TABLE       │ postgres │ REFERENCES, TRUNCATE, DELETE, UPDATE, SELECT, INSERT, TRIGGER │ city        │                        │
│ myotherapp │ public │ TABLE       │ bob      │                                                               │ garden      │ species: SELECT        │
│ myotherapp │ public │ TABLE       │ dba      │ UPDATE, DELETE, TRUNCATE, REFERENCES, TRIGGER, INSERT, SELECT │ garden      │ flower: SELECT, UPDATE │
│ myotherapp │ public │ TABLE       │ marion   │ UPDATE                                                        │ garden      │ species: UPDATE        │
│            │        │             │          │                                                               │             │ flower: SELECT         │
│ myotherapp │ public │ TABLE       │ postgres │ TRUNCATE, DELETE, UPDATE, SELECT, REFERENCES, INSERT, TRIGGER │ garden      │                        │

 $ pglift instance privileges 13/main --database=myapp -o json
     "database": "myapp",
     "schema": "public",
     "object_type": "TABLE",
     "role": "dba",
     "privileges": null,
     "object_name": "persons",
     "column_privileges": {
       "name": [
     "database": "myapp",
     "schema": "public",
     "object_type": "TABLE",
     "role": "postgres",
     "privileges": [
     "object_name": "persons",
     "column_privileges": null

You can also access the privileges for a database or a role by using the dedicated commands.

For example, the following commands are equivalent:

$ pglift instance privileges 13/main -d myotherapp
$ pglift database -i 13/main privileges myotherapp

Alter privileges

To assign privileges settings to an object, sql query can be passed through the run command:

$ pglift database -i 13/main run -d myapp "GRANT UPDATE ON mytable TO dba"
INFO     running GRANT UPDATE ON mytable TO dba" on myapp database of 13/main

Default privileges

PostgreSQL grants privileges on some types of objects to PUBLIC by default when the objects are created. No privileges are granted to PUBLIC by default on tables, table columns, sequences, foreign data wrappers, foreign servers, large objects, schemas, or tablespaces. [1]

To override default privileges settings, use the ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES command.

$ pglift database -i 13/main run -d myapp "ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES IN SCHEMA public GRANT ALL ON TABLES TO dba"
INFO     running "ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES IN SCHEMA public GRANT ALL ON TABLES TO dba" on myapp database of 13/main

Different commands can be used to view the results :

$ pglift instance exec 13/main -- psql -d myapp -c '\ddp'
        Droits d'accès par défaut
 Propriétaire | Schéma | Type  |    Droits d'accès
 postgres     | public | table | dba=arwdDxt/postgres
(1 ligne)


$ pglift database -i 13/main privileges myapp --default
| database | schema | role | object_type | privileges                                    |
│ myapp    │ public │ dba  │ TABLE       │ DELETE, INSERT, REFERENCES, SELECT, TRIGGER,  │
│          │        │      │             │ TRUNCATE, UPDATE                              │