
Let’s get started, using the command-line interface:

$ pglift instance create main --port=5433 --surole-password
Super-user role password:
Repeat for confirmation:
INFO     initializing PostgreSQL
INFO     configuring PostgreSQL
INFO     configuring PostgreSQL authentication
INFO     starting PostgreSQL 14/main

This commands simply creates a PostgreSQL cluster, by default with no satellite components.

We can inspect its logs:

$ pglift instance logs main
INFO     reading logs of instance 14/main from ~/.local/share/pglift/srv
2022-02-14 14:21:51.629 CET [55556] LOG:  starting PostgreSQL 14.1 (Debian 14.1-1.pgdg110+1) on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc (Debian 10.2.1-6) 10.2.1 20210110, 64-bit
2022-02-14 14:21:51.630 CET [55556] LOG:  listening on IPv6 address "::1", port 5433
2022-02-14 14:21:51.630 CET [55556] LOG:  listening on IPv4 address "", port 5433
2022-02-14 14:21:51.632 CET [55556] LOG:  listening on Unix socket "~/.local/share/pglift/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5433"
2022-02-14 14:21:51.636 CET [55558] LOG:  database system was shut down at 2022-02-14 14:21:51 CET
2022-02-14 14:21:51.642 CET [55556] LOG:  database system is ready to accept connections

Create some objects:

$ pglift role -i main create dba --valid-until="2023-01-01T00:00:00" --login --password
Role password:
Repeat for confirmation:
INFO     creating role 'dba'
$ pglift database -i main create myapp --owner=dba
INFO     creating 'myapp' database on instance 14/main

And eventually drop the instance:

$ pglift instance drop main
INFO     dropping instance 14/main
> Confirm complete deletion of instance 14/main? [y/n] (y): y
INFO     stopping PostgreSQL 14/main
INFO     deleting PostgreSQL cluster

Now more interestingly, let’s add some configuration to pglift by writing the following file:

File ~/.config/pglift/settings.yaml
    host: scram-sha-256
    path: /srv/backups
    mode: path
  execpath: /usr/bin/prometheus-postgres-exporter
powa: {}
systemd: {}

in which, we configure PostgreSQL host-based authentication, enable pgbackrest and prometheus satellite services and finally activate systemd as service manager and scheduler.


Further operation requires an extra “installation” step, mostly in order to prepare the site:

$ pglift site-configure install
INFO     installed pglift-postgres_exporter@.service systemd unit at
INFO     installed pglift-backup@.service systemd unit at
INFO     installed pglift-backup@.timer systemd unit at
INFO     installed pglift-postgresql@.service systemd unit at
INFO     installing base pgbackrest configuration
INFO     creating pgbackrest include directory
INFO     creating pgbackrest repository backups and archive directory
INFO     creating common pgbackrest directories
INFO     creating postgresql log directory

Now let’s create again our main instance:

$ pglift instance create main --port=5433 --surole-password \
    --data-checksums --pgbackrest-stanza=app
Super-user role password:
Repeat for confirmation:
INFO     initializing PostgreSQL
INFO     configuring PostgreSQL authentication
INFO     configuring PostgreSQL
INFO     starting PostgreSQL 14/main
INFO     creating role 'powa'
INFO     creating role 'prometheus'
INFO     creating role 'backup'
INFO     creating 'powa' database in 14/main
INFO     creating extension 'btree_gist' in database powa
INFO     creating extension 'pg_qualstats' in database powa
INFO     creating extension 'pg_stat_statements' in database powa
INFO     creating extension 'pg_stat_kcache' in database powa
INFO     creating extension 'powa' in database powa
INFO     configuring Prometheus postgres_exporter 14-main
INFO     configuring pgBackRest stanza 'app' for pg1-path=...
INFO     creating pgBackRest stanza app
INFO     starting Prometheus postgres_exporter 14-main

We notice that a Prometheus postgres_exporter service and a pgBackRest repository, user and configuration are now set up alongside our PostgreSQL instance.

As systemd was defined as service manager and scheduler, we can see the following units defined:

$ systemctl --user list-units "pglift-*"
  UNIT                                     LOAD   ACTIVE SUB     DESCRIPTION
  pglift-postgres_exporter@14-main.service loaded active running Prometheus exporter 14-main database server metrics
  pglift-postgresql@14-main.service        loaded active running PostgreSQL 14-main database server
  pglift-backup@14-main.timer              loaded active waiting Backup 14-main PostgreSQL database instance

For more, head out to more in-depth tutorials and user guides.