Instance operations

Command line interface

The pglift instance command line entry point exposes commands to manage the life-cycle of instances. This includes initialization, modification, deletion as well as status management (start, stop, restart).

$ pglift instance --help
Usage: pglift instance [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Manage instances.

  --schema  Print the JSON schema of instance model and exit.
  --help    Show this message and exit.

  alter       Alter PostgreSQL INSTANCE
  create      Initialize a PostgreSQL instance
  drop        Drop PostgreSQL INSTANCE
  env         Output environment variables suitable to connect to...
  exec        Execute command in the libpq environment for PostgreSQL...
  get         Get the description of PostgreSQL INSTANCE
  list        List the available instances
  logs        Output INSTANCE logs
  privileges  List default privileges on INSTANCE
  promote     Promote standby PostgreSQL INSTANCE
  reload      Reload PostgreSQL INSTANCE
  restart     Restart PostgreSQL INSTANCE
  restore     Restore PostgreSQL INSTANCE
  start       Start PostgreSQL INSTANCE
  status      Check the status of instance and all satellite components.
  stop        Stop PostgreSQL INSTANCE
  upgrade     Upgrade INSTANCE using pg_upgrade

Most commands take an INSTANCE argument in the form of <version>/<name> where <version>/ might be omitted. If there is only one instance on system, the argument is optional.

The pglift instance status command will return an exit code of 3 if one or more of the services are not running, otherwise 0.

Ansible module

The instance module within dalibo.pglift collection is the main entry point for instance management through Ansible. This module also handles roles and databases objects related to the instance.

Example task (without databases and roles):

  - name: my instance
      name: myapp
      port: 5455
        ssl: true
        ssl_cert_file: path/to/cert/file.crt
        ssl_key_file: path/to/key/file.key
        shared_buffers: 1GB

Example task (with databases and roles):

  - name: my instance
      name: myapp
      port: 5455
        ssl: true
        ssl_cert_file: path/to/cert/file.crt
        ssl_key_file: path/to/key/file.key
        shared_buffers: 1GB
        - name: dba
          login: true
          connection_limit: 10
          valid_until: '2025-01-01T00:00'
            - role: pg_read_all_stats
        - name: simple_user
          connection_limit: 10
          valid_until: '2025-01-01T00:00'
        - name: myapp
          owner: dba
        - name: db
          owner: simple_user